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Copyright ©2003 Kazz Falcon
Rosie O Donnell & RJ Helton at the Grove
October 2002, Sunday - Rosie O'Donnel was signing her autograph at The Grove, the new mall on 3rd and Fairfax in Los Angeles.
I didn't know she was going to be there at the book store.  So, I stuck around to get a glimse at Rosie. I didn't buy her book thou, no money on me!
Anyway, She looked awesome with her new hair do.
Top It All, I saw someone going up the esclator and low and behold, it was RJ Helton (American Idol) and his boyfriend.  They were on the way to see Rosie.  
Of course, I followed them, they had their pic taken with Rosie.
Seeing Rosie and RJ made my day!!!
I wished I talked to them both! I didn't have the courage to talk to them.  
I called my friend on the cell phone and tell him I saw RJ and Rosie.  RJ was heading my way, he was leaving. I finally got the nerve and asked "what's your name?" He said "RJ" and went on his way.  
That's a wonderful experience!!

I have the spirit of an alien.
I need to find my own kind.
I must shed off the dreadful human skin.
It is very uncomfortable.