Forsaken My Life
By Kazz Falcon
Forsaken My Life
I can't make it
Take me away, dear Lord
The lake drowned me
This duck flew to nowhere
My luck is down
Nobody would find me
Somebody ought to
I fought till the last straw
I lost the fighting battle
It cost my life
I was forced to stay nowhere
I went astray, the way to nowhere
Somewhere out there
I gave up everything including
my life
I want a lot in life
Then again, a knife destroyed
What's the use to live?
I abused this life once too
I used to think
Please take me away till
I forsaken my life
By Kazz Falcon
Dear old friend
Hear me
I have ears for God, my survival
I shy away from you
I may not have a fighting body
The days I faced you
I won't ever back down
I really don't have to
I had God in my life
He made me stronger
I forsaken my weakness
God was a force to be reckon
Trouble looked into my eyes
I was so glad it won't be too
They backed down, seeing God
They don't have a fighting
chance against us
Please! We were too strong
Sleaze, so long
I looked at them
They were all shook up from
my eyes
I cooked my dear old friend,
By Kazz Falcon
Anger built up inside of me
I can't stand this person
He really gets on my nerves
I wished he go away
Before we dished it out
The anger I felt for him
It reached a boiling point
A point where I may do him
Everywhere I turned to
There he was
Bringing my good name down
My reputation was at stake
He ruined my life through rumors
I want to knife him to death
Cut him up on a million pieces
That slut was going to pay
The damage he caused me
He won't have the last laugh
I don't allow him to
His time was coming to an end