Just Like Family
By Kazz Falcon
Just Like Family
A must have for me
Trustworthy friends forever
I busted away from my real
True friends became my family
A family of friends
I don't see my real family
that often
Won't you want friends as family?
I do, they were great
On my own was the ticket
I loved them as family
I gained a close bond with
They were the main source for
love and comfort
From the outside of my real
They helped me through problems
And truly cared for me
We shared gay pleasant times
They know me like a book
I hooked to true friends
They ended my pain
They attended to my every need
They gave me love when I was
sick or down
I spent time with them
There's nothing like family
They became my second family
A close-knit group
Just like family
The Real You?
By Kazz Falcon
The Real You?
What's the deal?
I felt like it's wrong to be
It's hard to understand
You lived in a fairyland
I assumed you gave up on girls
You talked about it
I walked away from you
It was a completely shock to
Why rock the boat with men?
They were lots of girls to
be with
I dared to admit,
I still care for you.
Abandoned our friendship
You were my brother forever
Now, my sister
Knowing the real you really
From a straight bro to a gay
You kept the secret, saddens
I wept, the end of us?
I loved you no matter who you
Because we knew each other
since childhood
From now on, no more secrets
Trust me, we will always be
Just be yourself
I would rather to know the
real you
The Back Seat
By Kazz Falcon
The Back Seat
My friends comes first
Whenever they're in need
I was there for them
Here's my plan,
My heart goes out with full
of love.
They were a part of my life
Every one of them was a sweetheart
Someone must be there for them
when they're down
I happened to be that person
I know how they feel
I showed them my poems
They ultimately related to
The poems they read
I picked out the ones they
They licked their wounds
And moved on with their lives
I loved all my friends to death
They means the world to me
They were more important than
Lovers comes and goes.
Friends lasts a lifetime.
That's why I took the back
By Kazz Falcon
Ex means I broke up with someone
Sex wasn't involved anymore
I remained friends
I gained something special
A special kind of love - friendship
Friends were more important
They know you like a book
The ex cooked my goose
My lover let me loose
Messing around was two timing
I didn't feel that good
The lover was in a bad mood
He wasn't that blind
He saw it through the gifts
I brought
Regaining his trust was hard
to do
I proved me faithfulness to
him like never before
Love was hard for the second
time around
It wouldn't be that bad
Only I really mean it
The craving I have prompted
me again
My lover was done with me
The love we both had vanished
into thin air
Always remember:
Ex stands for mark them out
as lovers
And be friends, the way it
was meant to be