My Journal
2001, September 17, Monday night, I decided to take you on a Journal wherever it may leads us. The journal would be something you wouldn't dare to go on. I want to make an quick exit of the same path I have
been on over a year or so! So far, I haven't find an exit; I kept on driving to somewhere dazed and confused or I may
end up on the right road to an peaceful place I could call home wherever it might be.
2001, August 27, Monday the first date of my journal!!! :-P
Announcements - 2001, Sept 22, Saturday.
People are STILL asking for my
picture. Hello, I don't do pics at all.
I'm not interest in yours at all. Therefore, I expect the same from you! YOU did read MY PICTURE
Basic Facts
31, 6', 185lbs, average, white top, clean cut, totally OUT, short
brown hair & eyes.
I'm looking for friendship & Conversation. More About Me on Gaydar.
The Latest
As of 2001 Sept 18, Tuesday, The latest is part of my journal!
My Hobbies & Interests
Movies, partying, Melrose, clubbing, shrimp, entertainment magazines, soaps, Fox cartoons,
City Walk, British TV comedies, AOL, dance music, meeting new people on the web and hanging out with friends.
Favourites - my list of favourite things.
My Life Story
I grew up in Dallas/Fort Worth. I moved to Hollywood
in 1995 and I have never look back. Hollywood is much my scene. I wouldn't mind checking out the scene in NYC or London with
friends. We would have a blast. I'm happier in LA, there are lots of things to do. :-)
To be continued in Life Story.
My Favorite Places
Yahoo profile
ScareyKATT's poems
The Zone Groove Radio
My picture
This ALIEN is not interest to know what you look like. As long you want to be friends,
then I'm happy with the way things are on the web and in person. You already
have a picture of me in your minds. YOU KNOW MY STATS!! I'm fine by it!
Some people doesn't see it that way. Hey, it's your problem! It goes back to sex and YOUR TYPE of men.
Hello, I'm not looking for sex or a boyfriend on the web.
I may not
have the model/actor look or whatever; it's about how I truly feel about myself.
I don't care if I don't have muscles, the fancy clothes, the cars, the looks; I'm happy with the person i am.
There are no bouts about it.
Like most people agreed, WE NEED TO LOVE
OURSELVES FIRST! Don't down me for my honestly opinion of myself, vice versa!
expect a drop dead gorgoues absolutely fabulous man. You need to take it FACE VALUE!
Also, don't take this personal. I'm merely EXPRESSING myself about MY OPINIONS!
Please don't EMAIL me negative responses! I really appreciated it alot!
We are BEAUTIFUL in our own special way.
I lived by that rule every day!
This ALIEN won't zapped you out of this world UNLESS you do me wrong! hehe
that was MY TWO CENTS! You were ALL WARNED, here is my picture!